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Managing Your Legal Career: Best Practices for Creating the Career You Want

Managing Your Legal Career: Best Practices for Creating the Career You Want

Richard L. Hermann, 2010.

To compete today, you need up-to-date, reliable information on how to establish and manage your legal career. This thorough guide covers everything you need to know and is divided into short, specific sections that touch on what you'll need to do before your job hunt, while you're looking, as you're sitting in the interview, once you've gotten an offer, and all the steps in between. Hermann addresses both private and public sector -- and both the publicized and "hidden" job market. His concise yet comprehensive advice addresses discerning what employers really want, understanding who is out there, expanding your legal career horizons, dissecting and responding to a job ad, identifying hidden skill sets and matching them with opportunities, keeping up with application technology, online networking, and negotiating the terms of employment. Extensive appendices are also featured, with checklists and exercises to ensure you're ready for your job search or transition, including a legal career match, hybrid resumes, a networking roadmap, and some great questions to ask at a legal job interview. Hermann's book is directed both to new lawyers and to lawyers looking for a new career path.

1+ $55.00
1+ $69.00
National Association for Law Placement, Inc.® (NALP®), 1220 19th Street NW, Suite 510, Washington, DC 20036-2405, (202) 835-1001 [email protected], © Copyright 2024 NALP


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