Public Service Section

The Public Service Section is for NALP members who have an interest in or responsibility for advising law students whose career paths lead to public sector, public interest, and pro bono work during law school and after graduation. The section supports NALP's role as one of the leading providers of information and education about public service opportunities for law students and lawyers. NALP's public sector and nonprofit employer members and those responsible for implementing or marketing law school or law firm pro bono programs also participate in this section.

Join Section Group on NALPconnect

2024-25 Section Co-Chairs: Liz Dunn, Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law and Chelsea-Leigh Flucus, UC Irvine School of Law

June 2024 Board Report (PDF)
November 2024 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference and Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with section members on a track of programming and speakers for the 2025 Annual Education Conference. Assist members with completion of the RFP process. Brainstorm current topics and suggest at least 2 educational webinars to be produced in a timely manner throughout the year.

PSJD Resource Development Work Group
This group serves as an editorial board for content posted to the website. In collaboration with NALP staff, the Public Service Section’s issue-oriented working groups, and the Knowledge Management and Resource Implementation Advisory Group, continue developing a long-term plan for adding and revising educational content on the PSJD website. Prior to developing new educational resources on a particular topic, the Group should investigate whether the resource already exists and, if so, whether PSJD can get permission to copy or link to it (to avoid “reinventing the wheel”).

LRAP Initiatives/CCRAA Developments
Continue to monitor developments and provide analysis about best practices for creating and maximizing a law school LRAP program. Continue to monitor public service loan forgiveness, student debt issues, legislative debate and other proposals that impact legal education and public interest practice. Provide updates to the NALP community via NALPConnect and Bulletin+ articles.

Pro Bono Work Group
Continue to work on the plug and play pro bono/public interest curriculum for law students. Working with the Section co-chairs, solicit nominations for the PSJD Pro Bono Publico Awards Continue environmental scanning for remote pro bono opportunities for law students and lawyers. Continue discussions about ensuring equity and inclusion in work with students, lawyers and pro bono clients. Explore collaboration with the ABA on the creation of a pro bono/public interest resource bank so as not to duplicate efforts. Look for opportunities to collaborate with the AALS pro bono section and other NALP sections (Lawyer and Law Student Professional Development) as appropriate.

Brainstorm about topics for the NALP Bulletin+ and submit proposals. Provide reminders to authors about upcoming submission deadlines. Encourage and facilitate opportunities for section members to write for the PSJD Blog as appropriate and publish in non-NALP publications (such as ABA, NLADA, local bar associations).

DEI Liaison
The DEI Liaison will identify and address issues related to DEI that are specific to the section and work with the VP of DEI and the DEI Steering Committee to address these issues.

Employer Relations Work Group
The goals of this work group are to (1) assess ways to increase public interest employer participation in NALP, (2) identify gaps that can be filled to ensure ongoing participation and (3) to develop best practices documents for public interest employers on issues related to hiring.

Well-Being Champion
Identify specific well-being issues faced by the section and propose and institute well-being initiatives to address these issues. Participate as a member of the Well-Being Steering Committee.

2023-24 Section Co-Chairs: Jana Matthews, Seattle University School of Law and Jasminder Deol, UC Irvine School of Law

February 2024 Board Report (PDF)
November 2023 Board Report (PDF)
July 2023 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference and Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with section members on a track of programming and speakers for the 2024 Annual Education Conference. Assist members with completion of the RFP process. Brainstorm current topics and suggest at least 2 educational webinars to be produced in a timely manner throughout the year.

PSJD Resource Development Work Group
This group serves as an editorial board for content posted to the website.  In collaboration with NALP staff, the Public Service Section’s issue-oriented working groups, and the Knowledge Management and Resource Implementation Advisory Group, continue developing a long-term plan for adding and revising educational content on the PSJD website. Prior to developing new educational resources on a particular topic, the Group should investigate whether the resource already exists and, if so, whether PSJD can get permission to copy or link to it (to avoid “reinventing the wheel”).

LRAP Initiatives/CCRAA Developments
Continue to monitor developments and provide analysis about best practices for creating and maximizing a law school LRAP program. Continue to monitor public service loan forgiveness, student debt issues, legislative debate and other proposals that impact legal education and public interest practice. Provide updates to the NALP community via NALPConnect and Bulletin+ articles.

Pro Bono Work Group
Continue to work on the plug and play pro bono/public interest curriculum for law students. Working with the Section co-chairs, solicit nominations for the PSJD Pro Bono Publico Awards Continue environmental scanning for remote pro bono opportunities for law students and lawyers. Continue discussions about ensuring equity and inclusion in work with students, lawyers and pro bono clients. Explore collaboration with the ABA on the creation of a pro bono/public interest resource bank so as not to duplicate efforts. Look for opportunities to collaborate with the AALS pro bono section and other NALP sections (Lawyer and Law Student Professional Development) as appropriate.

Brainstorm about topics for the NALP Bulletin+ and submit proposals. Provide reminders to authors about upcoming submission deadlines. Encourage and facilitate opportunities for section members to write for the PSJD Blog as appropriate and publish in non-NALP publications (such as ABA, NLADA, local bar associations).

Employer Relations Work Group
The goals of this work group are to (1) assess ways to increase public interest employer participation in NALP, (2) identify gaps that can be filled to ensure ongoing participation and (3) to develop best practices documents for public interest employers on issues related to hiring. 

2022-23 Section Co-Chairs: Michelle Takagishi-Almeida, Southwestern Law School and Jana Matthews, Seattle University School of Law

April 2023 Board Report (PDF)
February 2023 Board Report (PDF)
November 2022 Board Report (PDF)
July 2022 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference and Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with section members on a track of programming and speakers for the 2023 Annual Education Conference. Assist members with completion of the RFP process. Brainstorm current topics and suggest at least 2 educational webinars to be produced in a timely manner throughout the year.

PSJD Resource Development Work Group
In collaboration with the NALP staff and the PSJD Advisory Group, continue developing a long-term plan for adding and revising content to the PSJD website. Prior to developing new resources on a particular topic, the Group should investigate whether the resource already exists and, if so, whether PSJD can get permission to copy or link to it (to avoid “reinventing the wheel”). Brainstorm about outreach to employers posting on the PSJD website who are not NALP members. Explore methods of engagement and sharing information about the benefits of NALP membership. Collaborate with the Judicial Clerkship Section to explore using PSJD as a resource for state court clerkship postings.

LRAP Initiatives/CCRAA Developments
Continue to monitor developments and provide analysis about best practices for creating and maximizing a law school LRAP program. Continue to monitor public service loan forgiveness, student debt issues, legislative debate and other proposals that impact legal education and public interest practice. Provide updates to the NALP community.

Pro Bono Work Group
Continue to work on the plug and play pro bono/public interest curriculum for law students. Continue environmental scanning for remote pro bono opportunities for law students and lawyers. Continue discussions about ensuring equity and inclusion in work with students, attorneys and pro bono clients. Explore collaboration with the ABA on the creation of a pro bono/public interest resource bank so as not to duplicate efforts. Look for opportunities to collaborate with the AALS pro bono section and other NALP sections (Lawyer and Law Student PD) as appropriate.

NALP/PSJD Public Service Mini-Conference Planning
Plan content and logistics for the virtual 2022 Mini-Conference.

Brainstorm about topics for the NALP Bulletin+ and submit proposals. Provide reminders to authors about upcoming submission deadlines. Encourage and facilitate opportunities for section members to write for the PSJD Blog as appropriate and publish in non-NALP publications (such as ABA, NLADA, local bar associations).

Member Relations
Reach out to new members on a regular basis to welcome them to the section. Educate new and continuing members about ways to get involved. Consider contacting members from other sections and groups to encourage them to join.

Knowledge Management and Resource Implementation
Identify top resources relevant to the section and collaborate with the NALP staff to explore location options for the compilation to provide easy access.

DEI Liaison
The DEI Liaison will identify and address issues related to DEI that are specific to the section and work with the VP of DEI and the DEI Standing Committee to address these issues.

Well-Being Champion
Identify specific well-being issues faced by the section and propose and institute well-being initiatives to address these issues. Participate as a member of the Well-Being Steering Committee.

Communications, Social Media & Marketing
Develop at least four (quarterly) social media posts to share with the NALP staff and monthly member outreach on NALP Connect to update the membership about the work of the group.

2021-22 Section Co-Chairs: Sharon Buckingham, Villanova University Charles Widger School of Law and Claire Cusella, Equal Justice Works

April 2022 Board Report (PDF)
February 2021 Board Report (PDF)
November 2021 Board Report (PDF)
July 2021 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference and Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with section members on a track of programming and speakers for the 2022 Annual Education Conference. Assist members with completion of the RFP process. Consider the production of webinars throughout the year.

PSJD Resource Development Work Group
In collaboration with the NALP staff and the PSJD Advisory Group, continue developing a long-term plan for adding and revising content to the PSJD website. Prior to developing new resources on a particular topic, the Group should investigate whether the resource already exists and, if so, whether PSJD can get permission to copy or link to it (to avoid “reinventing the wheel”). Brainstorm about outreach to employers posting on the PSJD website who are not NALP members. Explore methods of engagement and sharing information about the benefits of NALP membership. Collaborate with the Judicial Clerkship Section to explore using PSJD as a resource for state court clerkship postings.

LRAP Initiatives/CCRAA Developments
Continue to monitor developments and provide analysis about best practices for creating and maximizing a law school LRAP program. Continue to monitor public service loan forgiveness, student debt issues, legislative debate and other proposals that impact legal education and public interest practice. Provide updates to the NALP community.

Pro Bono Work Group
Continue to work on the plug and play pro bono/public interest curriculum for law students. Continue environmental scanning for remote pro bono opportunities for law students and lawyers. Continue discussions about ensuring equity and inclusion in work with students, attorneys and pro bono clients. Explore collaboration with the ABA on the creation of a pro bono/public interest resource bank so as not to duplicate efforts. Look for opportunities to collaborate with the AALS pro bono section and other NALP sections (Lawyer and Law Student PD) as appropriate.

NALP/PSJD Public Service Mini-Conference Planning
Plan content and logistics for the virtual 2021 Mini-Conference.

Brainstorm about topics for the NALP Bulletin+ and submit proposals. Provide reminders to authors about upcoming submission deadlines. Encourage and facilitate opportunities for section members to write for the PSJD Blog as appropriate and publish in non-NALP publications (such as ABA, NLADA, local bar associations).

Environmental Scanning
Conduct environmental scanning and compile relevant information regarding effects of the pandemic.

Member Relations
Reach out to new members on a regular basis to welcome them to the section. Educate new and continuing members about ways to get involved. Consider contacting members from other sections and groups to encourage them to join.

Knowledge Management and Resource Implementation
Identify top resources relevant to the section and collaborate with the KM/RI Advisory Group to explore location options for the compilation to provide easy access. Ensure NALPconnect is used for section communications.

2020-21 Section Chairs: Lillian Evans, NY City Law Department and Susan Curry, University of Chicago Law School

April 2021 Board Report (PDF)
February 2021 Board Report (PDF)
November 2020 Board Report (PDF)
July 2020 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference and Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with Section members on a track of programming/speakers for the 2021 Annual Education Conference. Assist members with completion of the RFP process. Consider the production of webinars throughout the year.

PSJD Resource Development Work Group
Building upon the PSJD website relaunch, in collaboration with the NALP staff and the PSJD Advisory Group, continue developing a long-term plan for adding and revising content. Prior to developing new resources on a particular topic, the Group should investigate whether this resource already exists and, if so, whether PSJD can get permission to copy or link to it (to avoid "reinventing the wheel").

LRAP Initiatives/CCRAA Developments
Continue to monitor developments and provide analysis about best practices for creating and maximizing a law school LRAP program. Monitor legislative debate on the re-authorization of the Higher Education Act, especially regarding Public Interest Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) and other proposals that impact legal education and public interest practice. Provide updates to the NALP community.

Pro Bono Work Group
In order to help schools comply with ABA Standard 303 (b)(2), continue to compile information from the Work Group's survey and draft a "Best Practices" Bulletin article and/or other resource that will include plug and play information on how to prepare students for pro bono and public service. Continue environmental scanning to ensure compliance with any changes given physical distancing orders and postponed Bar Exams. Continue to track (and report back to the Section and NALP's larger membership on) developments with other state bars considering adopting pro bono requirements similar to New York's. Look for opportunities to collaborate with the AALS pro bono section and other NALP sections (Lawyer and Law Student PD) as appropriate.

NALP/PSJD Public Service Mini-Conference Planning
Plan content and logistics for the 2020 Mini-Conference. Consider content and alternative virtual delivery methods in the event NALP is not able to host an in-person conference this year.

Brainstorm on topics to be covered in the NALP Bulletin and submit appropriate proposals. Provide reminders to authors about upcoming submission deadlines. Consider partnering with JD Career Advisors Section on a checklist or other information delineating government employers' background checks. Encourage and facilitate opportunities for Section members to write for the PSJD Blog as appropriate as well as to publish in non-NALP publications (such as ABA, NLADA, local bar associations etc).

Environmental Scanning
Conduct environmental scanning and compile relevant information regarding any fallout and opportunities that may arise due to the pandemic, including best practices for providing legal services remotely, partnerships with private law firms in the event of delayed start dates, and the impact of delayed Bar Exams on public service fellowships.

Member Relations
Reach out to new and/or continuing members on a periodic basis to welcome them to the section and educate them about ways to get involved. Consider reaching out to additional members encouraging them to join the section.

Knowledge Management
Collaborate with the KM Advisory Group in helping to identify, review, and classify NALP information relevant to public service to assist in more effective data searches.

2019-20 Section Chair: Rochelle McCain, University of Pittsburgh School of Law

April 2020 Board Report (PDF)
February 2020 Board Report (PDF)
November 2019 Board Report (PDF)
July 2019 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Strategic Planning
Collect feedback and prepare a memorandum to the Board of Directors highlighting strategic goals for the Section and its subject matter and/or area of interest.

Annual Education Conference and Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with Section members on a track of programming/speakers for the 2020 Annual Education Conference. Assist members with completion of the RFP process. Consider the production of webinars throughout the year.

PSJD Resource Development Work Group
In collaboration with the PSJD Advisory Group (as that Group identifies the need for additional resources that will be useful to public interest and government job seekers), develop new resources that will be available to all NALP members. Prior to developing new resources on a particular topic, the Group should investigate whether this resource already exists and, if so, whether PSJD can get permission to copy or link to it (to avoid “reinventing the wheel”).

LRAP Initiatives/CCRAA Developments
Continue to monitor developments and provide analysis about best practices for creating and maximizing a law school LRAP programs. Monitor legislative debate on the re-authorization of the Higher Education Act, especially regarding public interest loan forgiveness and other proposals that impact legal education and public interest practice. Provide updates to the NALP community.

Pro Bono Work Group
In light of the increased national dialogue about by the pro bono requirement for admission to the Bar, continue to compile information for (and draft) a “Best Practices” resource that will include information on how to develop pro bono opportunities for students. Track (and report back to the Section and NALP’s larger membership on) developments with other state bars considering adopting pro bono requirements similar to New York’s. Look for opportunities to collaborate with other sections (Lawyer and Law Student PD) as appropriate.

NALP/PSJD Public Service Mini-Conference Planning
Plan content and logistics for the 2019 Mini-Conference.

Brainstorm on topics to be covered in the NALP Bulletin and submit appropriate proposals. Provide reminders to authors about upcoming submission deadlines. Encourage and facilitate opportunities for Section members to publish in non-NALP publications (such as ABA, NLADA, local bar associations etc).

2018-19 Section Chair: Rashida West, Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law

April 2019 Board Report (PDF)
February 2019 Board Report (PDF)
July 2018 Board Report (PDF)
November 2018 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference and Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with Section members on a track of programming/speakers for the 2019 Annual Education Conference. Assist members with completion of the RFP process. Consider the production of webinars throughout the year.

PSJD Resource Development Work Group
In collaboration with the PSJD Advisory Group (as that Group identifies the need for additional resources that will be useful to public interest and government job seekers), develop new resources that will be available to all NALP members. Prior to developing new resources on a particular topic, the Group should investigate whether this resource already exists and, if so, whether PSJD can get permission to copy or link to it (to avoid “reinventing the wheel”).

LRAP Initiatives/CCRAA Developments
Continue to monitor developments and provide analysis about best practices for creating and maximizing a law school LRAP programs. Monitor legislative debate on the re-authorization of the Higher Education Act, especially regarding public interest loan forgiveness and other proposals that impact legal education and public interest practice. Provide updates to the NALP community.

Pro Bono Work Group
In light of the increased national dialogue brought about by the NY State’s 50-hour pro bono requirement for admission to the Bar (that other states may follow), continue to compile information for (and draft) a “Best Practices” resource that will include information on how to develop pro bono opportunities for students. Track (and report back to the Section and NALP’s larger membership on) developments with other state bars considering adopting pro bono requirements similar to New York’s. Collaborate with the New York Pro Bono Requirement Work Group in the International and Advanced Degree Recruiting and Advising Section as appropriate. Look for opportunities to collaborate with other sections (Lawyer and Law Student PD) as appropriate.

NALP/PSJD Public Service Mini-Conference Planning
Plan content and logistics for the 2018 Mini-Conference.

Brainstorm on topics to be covered in the NALP Bulletin and submit appropriate proposals. Provide reminders to authors about upcoming submission deadlines. Encourage and facilitate opportunities for Section members to publish in non-NALP publications (such as ABA, NLADA, local bar associations etc).

2017-18 Section Chair: Amanda Furst, University of Minnesota Law School

April 2018 Board Report (PDF)
February 2018 Board Report (PDF)
November 2017 Board Report (PDF)
July 2017 Board Report (PDF)

2016-17 Section Chair: Katie Dilks, Georgetown University Law Center

April 2017 Board Report (PDF)
February 2017 Board Report (PDF)
November 2016 Board Report (PDF)
July 2016 Board Report (PDF)

2015-16 Section Chair: Danielle Sorken, Brooklyn Law School

2014-15 Section Chair: Kim Bart, Duke University School of Law

2013-14 Section Chair: Samantha Z. Kasmarek, Syracuse University College of Law

2012-2013 Section Chair: Leeor Neta, Golden Gate University School of Law

2011-2012 Section Chair: Jessica Kitson, Rutgers University School of Law – Newark

2010-2011 Section Chair: Alisa Rosales, DePaul University College of Law

2009-2010 Section Chair: Nicole Vikan, Georgetown University Law Center

2008-09 Section Chair: Karen Comstock, Cornell Law School

2007-08 Section Chair: Michelle Stevens, Emory University School of Law

National Association for Law Placement, Inc.® (NALP®), 1220 19th Street NW, Suite 510, Washington, DC 20036-2405, (202) 835-1001 [email protected], © Copyright 2025 NALP


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