Starting Salaries — Class of 2010 — Information on the starting salaries of segments of the Class of 2010.
Law Firm Jobs in 2010 — A Tale of 20 Cities (NALP Bulletin, September 2010) — The overall number of entry-level law firm jobs eroded in 2010, but the number of jobs lost — both raw numbers and numbers as a percentage of the law firm jobs in a particular market — varied greatly in different cities and markets, illustrating the disparate impact of the recession on different legal employment markets. Regardless of the differences, the numbers in most markets are startling.
The NALP Salary Curve Morphs with the Class of 2010 — The two peaks and deep valley of NALP’s bimodal salary curves that describe the starting salaries of new law graduates are by now familiar to industry observers. The impact of the recession has changed the look of the curve somewhat for the Class of 2010.
National Summary Chart for Class of 2010 (PDF)
Employment for the Class of 2010 — Selected Findings (PDF)
Class of 2010 Graduates Faced Worst Job Market Since Mid-1990s: Longstanding Employment Patterns Interrupted (June 1, 2011 Press Release)
Commentary and Analysis by NALP's Executive Director on Class of 2010 Selected Findings