Experienced Professionals Section

The Experienced Professionals Section includes NALP members who self-identify as "experienced" in the legal recruitment and professional development industry and seek to collaborate with similarly situated colleagues for purposes of networking and professional development. Section members can be characterized by years of NALP membership, years in the industry, and/or levels of leadership engagement within their organizations or with NALP. (It is suggested that members have at least eight years of experience in a lead role and have actively participated in NALP.)

Join Section Group on NALPconnect

2024-25 Section Co-Chairs: Joe Christian, Bass, Berry & Sims PLC and Jessica Hoffer, Chapman and Cutler LLP

June 2024 Board Report (PDF)
November 2024 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference Planning / Bulletin+ Article and Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with section members to develop ideas and identify speakers for the 2025 Annual Education Conference and topics for Bulletin+ articles. Assist members through the completion of the RFP processes for both. Brainstorm current topics and suggest at least 2 educational webinars to be produced in a timely manner throughout the year. Serve as a resource for other groups and sections about programs/articles on pathways to leadership.

Experienced Professionals and Newer Professionals Collaboration
Collaborate with the Newer Professionals Section on the continuation of the mentoring program, identify several “panel of experts” topics and resulting webinars, explore the concept of videos highlighting experienced professionals sharing their experiences on pre-determined topics and consider other ways to impart helpful assistance to newer professionals. Serve as a resource and assist in recruiting mentors for the New Professionals Mentor Program.

Legal Career Pipeline
Building off the work of the Member Advancement & Pipeline Development Work Group, this group will explore how we can market the importance of our professional experience to our employers and recent graduates to entice them to enter our professions. In particular, this group will continue to work on three member pipeline videos: Value of NALP Membership, Intro to the Profession, and Leadership Pathways to NALP.

DEI Liaison
The DEI Liaison will identify and address issues related to DEI that are specific to the section and work with the VP of DEI and the DEI Steering Committee to address these issues.

Retirement Advisement Network
Provide mentors to members contemplating retirement, provide guidance and advice to experienced members considering retirement, and serve as a resource to managers supporting their staff members navigating retirement decision-making. Share best practices for succession planning for members and their staff. Encourage and foster continued involvement in NALP of both retirees post-retirement, as well as members who move to other positions outside of traditional NALP member categories, through affiliate membership. Support the NALP staff to further publicize the existence and benefits of affiliate membership. Review NALP’s Alumni status membership and consider ways to continue the relationship with our most seasoned members.

Well-Being Champion
Identify specific well-being issues faced by the section and propose and institute well-being initiatives to address these issues. Participate as a member of the Well-Being Steering Committee.

2023-24 Section Co-Chairs: Heather Spielmaker, University of Kansas School of Law and Joe Christian, Bass, Berry & Sims PLC

February 2024 Board Report (PDF)
November 2023 Board Report (PDF)
July 2023 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference Planning / Bulletin+ Article and Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with section members to develop ideas and identify speakers for the 2024 Annual Education Conference and topics for Bulletin+ articles. Assist members through the completion of the RFP processes for both. Brainstorm current topics and suggest at least 2 educational webinars to be produced in a timely manner throughout the year. Serve as a resource for other groups and sections about programs/articles on pathways to leadership.

Experienced Professionals and Newer Professionals Collaboration
Collaborate with the Newer Professionals Section on the continuation of the mentoring program, identify several “panel of experts” topics and resulting webinars, explore the concept of videos highlighting experienced professionals sharing their experiences on pre-determined topics and consider other ways to impart helpful assistance to newer professionals. Serve as a resource and assist in recruiting mentors for the New Professionals Mentor Program.

Managing Your Professional Development
Explore the most effective method for providing professional development for the experienced professional. This work group will solicit feedback from the Section regarding topics for professional development. They will also review NALP’s Alumni status membership and consider ways to continue the relationship with our most seasoned members.

Retirement Advisement Network
Provide mentors to members contemplating retirement, provide guidance and advice to experienced members considering retirement, and serve as a resource to managers supporting their staff members navigating retirement decision-making.  Share best practices for succession planning for members and their staff.  Encourage and foster continued involvement in NALP of both retirees post-retirement, as well as members who move to other positions outside of traditional NALP member categories, through affiliate membership.  Support the NALP staff to further publicize the existence and benefits of affiliate membership.

2022-23 Section Co-Chairs: Heather Spielmaker, University of Kansas School of Law and Mary Beth Walsh, Dykema Gossett PLLC

April 2023 Board Report (PDF)
February 2023 Board Report (PDF)
November 2022 Board Report (PDF)
July 2022 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference Planning / Bulletin+ Article and Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with section members to develop ideas and identify speakers for the 2023 Annual Education Conference and topics for Bulletin+ articles. Assist members through the completion of the RFP processes for both. Brainstorm current topics and suggest at least 2 educational webinars to be produced in a timely manner throughout the year. Serve as a resource for other groups and sections about programs/articles on pathways to leadership.

Experienced Professionals and Newer Professionals Collaboration
Collaborate with the Newer Professionals Section on the continuation of the mentoring program, identify several “panel of experts” topics and resulting webinars, explore the concept of videos highlighting experienced professionals sharing their experiences on pre-determined topics and consider other ways to impart helpful assistance to newer professionals. Review the materials about NALP and its resources provided to newer professionals and offer suggestions on how to improve the onboarding and leadership development processes for new members.

Member Relations
Reach out to new members on a regular basis to welcome them to the section. Educate new and continuing members about ways to get involved. Create and implement an outreach plan for identifying members meeting the suggested criteria for joining the section as stated in the section overview.

Knowledge Management and Resource Implementation:
Identify top resources relevant to the section and collaborate with the NALP staff to explore location options for the compilation to provide easy access.

Managing Your Professional Development
Explore the most effective method for providing professional development for the experienced professional. This work group will solicit feedback from the Section regarding topics for professional development. They will also review NALP’s Alumni status membership and consider ways to continue the relationship with our most seasoned members.

DEI Liaison
The DEI Liaison will identify and address issues related to DEI that are specific to the section and work with the VP of DEI and the DEI Standing Committee to address these issues.

Well-Being Champion
Identify specific well-being issues faced by the section and propose and institute well-being initiatives to address these issues. Participate as a member of the Well-Being Steering Committee.

Communications, Social Media & Marketing
Develop at least four (quarterly) social media posts to share with the NALP staff and conduct, at least, monthly member outreach on NALPconnect to update the membership about the work of the group.

2021-22 Section Co-Chairs: Natalie Quinn, Fox Rothschild LLP and Heather Spielmaker, University of Kansas School of Law

April 2022 Board Report (PDF)
February 2021 Board Report (PDF)
July 2021 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference Planning / Bulletin+ Article and Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with section members to develop ideas and identify speakers for the 2022 Annual Education Conference and topics for Bulletin+ articles. Assist members through the completion of the RFP processes for both. Consider the production of educational webinars throughout the year. Serve as a resource for other groups and sections about programs/articles on pathways to leadership.

Experienced Professionals and Newer Professionals Collaboration
Collaborate with the Newer Professionals Section on the continuation of the mentoring program, identify several “panel of experts” topics and resulting webinars, explore the concept of videos highlighting experienced professionals sharing their experiences on pre-determined topics and consider other ways to impart helpful assistance to newer professionals. Review the materials about NALP and its resources provided to newer professionals and offer suggestions on how to improve the onboarding and leadership development processes for new members.

Member Relations
Reach out to new members on a regular basis to welcome them to the section. Educate new and continuing members about ways to get involved. Explore an outreach plan for identifying members meeting the suggested criteria for joining the section as stated in the section overview.

Knowledge Management and Resource Implementation:
Identify top resources relevant to the section and collaborate with the KM/RI Advisory Group to explore location options for the compilation to provide easy access. Ensure NALPconnect is used for section communications.

2020-21 Section Chairs: Yvonne Denenny, UCLA School of Law and Nicole Oddo Smith, Dechert LLP

April 2021 Board Report (PDF)
February 2021 Board Report (PDF)
November 2020 Board Report (PDF)
July 2020 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference Planning / Bulletin Article / Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with Section membership to develop ideas and identify speakers for the 2021 Annual Education Conference and topics for Bulletin articles. Assist members through the completion of the RFP processes for both. Consider the production of educational webinars throughout the year. Give particular consideration to topics related to informing newer or previously uninvolved members about pathways to leadership.

Experienced Professionals and Newer Professionals Collaboration
Collaborate with the Newer Professionals Section to determine interest in formal or informal joint activities. The purpose is to create a menu of opportunities for the Section members who enjoy mentoring to "give back" and assist in the professional development of newer members (e.g., Experienced Professionals conference calls, online chats, video conferences) on a topic of interest to newer professionals facilitated by experienced professionals. Work with the Newer Professionals Section to create a webinar to welcome members to NALP, describe the organizational structure and resources, and describe how to get involved.

Managing Your Own Professional Development
Solicit feedback from Section regarding topics for professional development. Explore most effective method for providing professional development for the experienced professional, including producing a webinar. Review NALP's Alumni status membership and consider ways to continue the relationship with our most seasoned members.

Member Relations
Reach out to new and/or continuing members on a periodic basis to welcome them to the section and educate them about ways to get involved. Consider reaching out to additional members encouraging them to join the section.

Knowledge Management
Collaborate with the KM Advisory Group in helping to identify, review, and classify NALP information relevant to our experienced members to assist in more effective data searches.

2019-20 Section Chair: Erin Springer, Alston & Bird LLP

April 2020 Board Report (PDF)
February 2020 Board Report (PDF)
November 2019 Board Report (PDF)
July 2019 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Strategic Planning
Collect feedback and prepare a memorandum to the Board of Directors highlighting strategic goals for the Section and its subject matter and/or area of interest.

Annual Education Conference Planning / Bulletin Article / Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with Section membership to develop ideas and identify speakers for the 2020 Annual Education Conference and topics for Bulletin articles. Assist members through the completion of the RFP processes for both. Consider the production of educational webinars throughout the year. Give particular consideration to topics related to informing newer or previously uninvolved members about pathways to leadership.

Experienced Professionals and Newer Professionals Collaboration
Collaborate with the Newer Professionals Section to determine interest in formal or informal joint activities. The purpose is to create a menu of opportunities for the Section members who enjoy mentoring to “give back” and assist in the professional development of newer members (e.g., Experienced Professionals conference calls, online chats, video conferences) on a topic of interest to newer professionals facilitated by experienced professionals. Work with the Newer Professionals Section to create a webinar to welcome members to NALP, describe the organizational structure and resources, and describe how to get involved.

Managing Your Own Professional Development
Solicit feedback from Section regarding topics for professional development. Explore most effective method for providing professional development for the experienced professional, including producing a webinar. Review NALP’s Alumni status membership and consider ways to continue the relationship with our most seasoned members.

2018-19 Section Chair: Michele Bendekovic, Bass Berry & Sims PLC

April 2019 Board Report (PDF)
July 2018 Board Report (PDF)
November 2018 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference Planning / Bulletin Article / Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with Section membership to develop ideas and identify speakers for the 2019 Annual Education Conference and topics for Bulletin articles. Assist members through the completion of the RFP processes for both. Consider the production of educational webinars throughout the year. Give particular consideration to topics related to informing newer or previously uninvolved members about pathways to leadership.

Experienced Professionals and Newer Professionals Collaboration
Collaborate with the Newer Professionals Section to determine interest in formal or informal joint activities. The purpose is to create a menu of opportunities for the Section members who enjoy mentoring to “give back” and assist in the professional development of newer members (e.g., Experienced Professionals conference calls, online chats, video conferences) on a topic of interest to newer professionals facilitated by experienced professionals. Work with the Newer Professionals Section to create a webinar to welcome members to NALP, describe the organizational structure and resources, and describe how to get involved.

Managing Your Own Professional Development
Solicit feedback from Section regarding topics for professional development. Explore most effective method for providing professional development for the experienced professional, including producing a webinar.

2017-18 Section Chair: Yujin An, Greenberg Traurig, LLP

April 2018 Board Report (PDF)
February 2018 Board Report (PDF)
November 2017 Board Report (PDF)
July 2017 Board Report (PDF)

2016-17 Section Chair: Lee Anne Masetti-Martin, Morrison & Foerster LLP

April 2017 Board Report (PDF)
February 2017 Board Report (PDF)
November 2016 Board Report (PDF)
July 2016 Board Report (PDF)

2015-16 Section Chair: Katie White, The George Washington University Law School

2014-15 Section Chair: Katie White, George Washington University Law School

2013-14 Section Chair: Marguerite Durston, Quarles & Brady LLP

2012-2013 Section Chair: Beth Hansen, Brigham Young University Law School

2011-2012 Section Chair: Esther Rodriguez, Holland & Knight LLP

2010-2011 Section Chair: Mary Hoagland, Brigham Young University Law School

2009-2010 Section Chair: Bill Chamberlain, Northwestern University School of Law

2008-09 Section Chair: Lynne Traverse, Bryan Cave LLP

Engaging Experienced Professionals Work Group
National Association for Law Placement, Inc.® (NALP®), 1220 19th Street NW, Suite 510, Washington, DC 20036-2405, (202) 835-1001 [email protected], © Copyright 2025 NALP


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