Full-Time Salaries for Jobs Lasting at Least One Year, by Employer or Job Type - Class of 2011

January 2013

This information is being made available for prospective law school applicants and others interested in the starting salaries of new law school graduates. Want to learn more about the entry-level job market for recent law school graduates? See NALP's annual Jobs & JDs report.

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Full-time Salaries for Jobs Lasting at Least One Year, by Employer or Job Type —
Class of 2011

Employer or job type Median salary Average salary The middle half
of salaries fall
in a range from:
Most frequently reported salary Percentage of jobs
accounted for by this
employer or job type
Law firm, 2-10 attorneys $50,000 $53,525 $41,600 - $60,000 $50,000 21.2
Law firm, 11-25 attorneys 65,000 67,712 50,000 - 75,000 60,000 5.2
Law firm, 26-50 attorneys 75,000 78,350 60,000 - 90,000 75,000 3.0
Law firm, 51-100 attorneys 88,000 94,594 70,000 - 115,000 100,000 2.5
Law firm, 101-250 attorneys 110,000 115,066 90,000 - 145,000 160,000 2.8
Law firm, 251-500 attorneys* 145,000 136,107 110,000 - 160,000 160,000
Law firm, 501+ attorneys* 160,000 151,427 160,000 - 160,000 160,000 8.0
Business—all 65,000 72,120 50,000 - 83,100 60,000 18.1
  Jobs  for which bar passage is required 67,000 72,824 52,000 - 85,000 60,000/75,000** 5.2
 Jobs for which JD is an advantage 65,000 72,944 50,171 - 80,000 60,000 1.3
 Temporary attorney thru an agency 52,000 61,693 45,600 - 65,000 45,600 1.7
Government—all 52,000 54,742 42,999 - 62,038 50,000 11.9
 Federal government 62,467 65,033 53,500 - 74,800 62,467 3.9
 State government 44,000 46,530 40,000 - 51,626 40,000 3.9
 Local government 50,000 50,869 43,500 - 57,000 50,000 3.9
 Prosecutorial jobs—all levels of government 48,500 48,216 40,000 - 54,300 40,000 3.4
Military—all types of jobs 60,000 61,080 50,000 - 70,000 60,000 1.1
Judicial clerkships—all 52,000 51,761 43,437 - 60,000 43,437 9.3
 Federal courts 60,000 59,889 57,408 - 62,758 60,000 3.5
 State courts 45,000 46,887 43,000 - 51,012 43,437 4.9
 Local courts 42,000 42,351 37,268 - 45,000 43,000 0.8
Public interest—all 45,000 45,573 40,000 - 50,000 40,000 7.5
  Legal services 42,750 41,019 37,000 - 47,773 45,000 2.0
  Public defenders 45,800 46,330 40,500 - 50,000 40,000 2.0
Academic—all 45,000 52,704 40,000 - 60,000 45,000 3.0

*Since so many salaries in each of these categories were reported as $160,000, therefore $160,000 is best thought of as a prevailing salary and, with a few exceptions, the top salary.

**Tie at these two values.

Source: NALP Employment Report and Salary Survey for the Class of 2011

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