Class of 2012

A Look at How the Distribution of Law Firm Jobs Taken by Law Graduates Has Fluctuated by Gender and Race (NALP Bulletin, December 2013) — Historically, women and minorities are less likely to take jobs in law firms, but when they do, they are more likely to obtain those jobs in larger firms. For example, for the Class of 2012, 52.3% of employed men obtained a job in private practice, compared with 49.0% of employed women.

Bridge-to-Practice Program Survey Findings for the Class of 2012 (November 2013) — NALP conducted its second survey of law school bridge-to-practice programs in Fall 2013 to collect information about these programs and employment outcomes for the Class of 2012. (The first survey was for the Class of 2011.)

Jobs in Business and Industry — Two Decades of Change (NALP Bulletin, November 2013) — Over the past 20 years the percentage of employed law school graduates taking jobs in business and industry has doubled, with the doubling point reached in the two most recent years. In the same time period, the number of employed law school graduates taking jobs in business and industry has about tripled, again reaching the tripling point in the two most recent years.

Buying Power Index Class of 2012 — The relative buying power of the dollar in any two cities is very important when comparing the nominal dollar amounts of the salaries in those two cities.

Starting Salaries — Class of 2012 (September 2013) — This information is being made available for prospective law school applicants and others interested in the starting salaries of new law school graduates.

Race/Ethnicity and the Geographic Distribution of Law Firm Jobs Taken by the Class of 2012 (NALP Bulletin, September 2013) — Among law school graduates taking jobs in private practice, minorities are more likely than their non-minority peers to take that job in one of the 20 largest employment markets for new graduates.

Class of 2012 Employment and Salary Findings Show First Positive Signs Since 2008 (NALP Bulletin, August 2013) — Make no mistake about it. The Class of 2012 had a tough time in the job market, as did the Class of 2011 before it, and, future research will show, that will be true for the Class of 2013 as well. But for the first time since the onset of the Great Recession in 2008, there were some positive signs that some of the most difficult aspects of the post-recession job market are beginning to ease, at least a little.

Employment Rate Falls Again, but Law Firm Jobs Are Up (NALP Bulletin, August 2013) —
The overall employment rate for the Class of 2012 was 84.7% of graduates for whom employment status was known, matching the rate of 1994, and continuing a decline that started in 2008.

Selected Findings from Employment Report and Salary Survey for the Class of 2012 (PDF)

Law School Class of 2012 Finds More Jobs, Starting Salaries Rise — But Large Class Size Hurts Overall Employment Rate (June 20, 2013 Press Release)

National Summary Chart for Class of 2012 (PDF)

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