Legal Employer Alumni Relations/Programs Section

The Legal Employer Alumni Relations/Programs Section is intended to include NALP members who have an interest in or responsibility for alumni related issues. We realize many of your jobs are evolving and our positions now encompass tasks related to building alumni networks, recruiting through alumni, and offering continued development and training to alumni. Our goal is to bring together peers who seek to collaborate for purposes of learning more about this growing field and to contribute to gaining knowledge and resources for the benefit of NALP members. We will conduct research on our own industry and other industry models to develop best practices and guidelines.

Join Section Group on NALPconnect

2024-25 Section Co-Chairs: Laura Higgins, Haynes and Boone, LLP and Hayley Niven, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP

June 2024 Board Report (PDF)
November 2024 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference / Bulletin+ Article and Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with section members to develop ideas and identify speakers for the 2025 Annual Education Conference and topics for Bulletin+ articles. Assist members through the completion of the RFP processes for both. Brainstorm current topics and suggest at least 2 educational webinars to be produced in a timely manner throughout the year.

Career Transitions
Explore how members are involved with the career transitions of alumni. Collaborate with the Lawyer Professional Development Section about coaching/advising as a part of alumni support.

Consider the use of secondments and best practices for engaging alumni.

DEI Liaison
The DEI Liaison will identify and address issues related to DEI that are specific to the section and work with the VP of DEI and the DEI Steering Committee to address these issues.

Well-Being Champion
Identify specific well-being issues faced by the section and propose and institute well-being initiatives to address these issues. Participate as a member of the Well-Being Steering Committee.

2023-24 Section Co-Chairs: Adrienne Jaroch Kelly, McDermott Will & Emery LLP and Laura Higgins, Haynes and Boone, LLP

February 2024 Board Report (PDF)
November 2023 Board Report (PDF)
July 2023 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference / Bulletin+ Article and Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with section members to develop ideas and identify speakers for the 2024 Annual Education Conference and topics for Bulletin+ articles. Assist members through the completion of the RFP processes for both. Brainstorm current topics and suggest at least 2 educational webinars to be produced in a timely manner throughout the year.

Career Transitions
Explore how members are involved with the career transitions of alumni. Collaborate with the Lawyer Professional Development Section about coaching/advising as a part of alumni support.

Consider the use of secondments and best practices for engaging alumni.

2022-23 Section Co-Chairs: Jennifer Gewertz, Arnold & Porter and Adrienne Jaroch, McDermott Will & Emery LLP

February 2023 Board Report (PDF)
November 2022 Board Report (PDF)
July 2022 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference / Bulletin+ Article and Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with section members to develop ideas and identify speakers for the 2023 Annual Education Conference and topics for Bulletin+ articles. Assist members through the completion of the RFP processes for both. Brainstorm current topics and suggest at least 2 educational webinars to be produced in a timely manner throughout the year.

Career Transitions
Explore how members are involved with the career transitions of alumni. Collaborate with the Lawyer Professional Development Section about coaching/advising as a part of alumni support.

Consider the use of secondments and best practices for engaging alumni.

Member Relations
Regularly welcome new members, continue to share the benefits of NALP membership with those involved in the section but not formal members and develop an outreach plan for those who have not joined the section but have full or partial responsibilities for alumni relations activities.

Knowledge Management and Resource Implementation
Identify top resources relevant to the section and collaborate with the NALP staff to explore location options for the compilation to provide easy access.

DEI Liaison
The DEI Liaison will identify and address issues related to DEI that are specific to the section and work with the VP of DEI and the DEI Standing Committee to address these issues.

Well-Being Champion
Identify specific well-being issues faced by the section and propose and institute well-being initiatives to address these issues. Participate as a member of the Well-Being Steering Committee.

Communications, Social Media & Marketing
Develop at least four (quarterly) social media posts to share with the NALP staff and conduct monthly member outreach on NALP Connect to update the membership about the work of the group.

Join Section Group on NALPconnect

2021-22 Section Co-Chairs: Jennifer Gewertz, Arnold & Porter and Paul Lazdowski, Proskauer Rose LLP

April 2022 Board Report (PDF)
February 2021 Board Report (PDF)
November 2021 Board Report (PDF)
July 2021 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference / Bulletin+ Article and Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with section members to develop ideas and identify speakers for the 2022 Annual Education Conference and topics for Bulletin+ articles. Assist members through the completion of the RFP processes for both.

Best Practices/Online Resource Guide
Develop best practices resources on topics of relevance to the section for active sharing and posting on NALP’s website or NALPconnect for members developing and maintaining an alumni relations program. Consider topics such as how best to use technology to reach alumni, partnerships with DEI professionals to engage alumni in their efforts, business development, alumni focused publications, and professional development geared toward alumni.

Career Transitions
Explore how members are involved with the career transitions of alumni. Collaborate with the Lawyer Professional Development Section about coaching/advising as a part of alumni support.

Consider the use of secondments and best practices for engaging alumni.

Member Relations
Regularly welcome new members, continue to share the benefits of NALP membership with those involved in the section but not formal members and develop an outreach plan for those who have not joined the section but have full or partial responsibilities for alumni relations activities.

Knowledge Management and Resource Implementation
Identify top resources relevant to the section and collaborate with the KM/RI Advisory Group to explore location options for the compilation to provide easy access. Ensure NALPconnect is used for section communications.

2020-21 Section Chairs: Amanda Stipe, Latham & Watkins LLP and Paul Lazdowski, Nixon Peabody LLP

April 2021 Board Report (PDF)
February 2021 Board Report (PDF)
November 2020 Board Report (PDF)
July 2020 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference / Bulletin Article and Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with Section members to develop ideas and identify speakers for the 2021 Annual Education Conference and topics for Bulletin articles. The group will assist members through the completion of the RFP processes for both. Consider the production of a webinar.

Best Practices/Online Resource Guide
Consider developing best practices type resources (quick tips on specific topics) for posting on NALP's website or NALPconnect to educate members about developing and maintaining an alumni relations program. Consider topics such as how best to use technology to reach alumni, using alumni connections for business development, alumni focused publications, and professional development geared towards alumni.

Member Relations
Reach out to new and/or continuing members on a periodic basis to welcome them to the section and educate them about ways to get involved. Consider reaching out to additional members encouraging them to join the section.

Knowledge Management
Collaborate with the KM Advisory Group in helping to identify, review, and classify NALP information relevant to Legal Employer Alumni Relations professionals to assist in more effective data searches.

2019-20 Section Co-Chairs: Adriana Marchetti, Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP and
Amanda Stipe, Latham & Watkins LLP

April 2020 Board Report (PDF)
February 2020 Board Report (PDF)
November 2019 Board Report (PDF)
July 2019 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Strategic Planning
Collect feedback and prepare a memorandum to the Board of Directors highlighting strategic goals for the Section and its subject matter and/or area of interest.

Annual Education Conference / Bulletin Article and Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with Section members to develop ideas and identify speakers for the 2020 Annual Education Conference and topics for Bulletin articles. The group will assist members through the completion of the RFP processes for both. Consider the production of a webinar.

Best Practices/Online Resource Guide
Consider developing best practices type resources (quick tips on specific topics) for posting on NALP’s website or NALPconnect to educate members about developing and maintaining an alumni relations program. Consider topics such as how best to use technology to reach alumni, using alumni connections for business development, alumni focused publications, and professional development geared towards alumni.

2018-19 Section Co-Chairs: Adriana Marchetti, Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP,
Brian Sogol, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP

April 2019 Board Report (PDF)
July 2018 Board Report (PDF)
November 2018 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference / Bulletin Article and Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with Section members to develop ideas and identify speakers for the 2019 Annual Education Conference and topics for Bulletin articles. The group will assist members through the completion of the RFP processes for both. Consider the production of a webinar.

Best Practices/Online Resource Guide
Consider developing best practices type resources (quick tips on specific topics) for posting on NALP’s website or NALPconnect to educate members about developing and maintaining an alumni relations program. Consider topics such as how best to use technology to reach alumni, using alumni connections for business development, alumni focused publications, and professional development geared towards alumni.

2017-18 Section Chair: Elizabeth Claps, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP

April 2018 Board Report (PDF)
February 2018 Board Report (PDF)
November 2017 Board Report (PDF)
July 2017 Board Report (PDF)

2016-17 Section Chair: Elizabeth Claps, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP

April 2017 Board Report (PDF)
February 2017 Board Report (PDF)
November 2016 Board Report (PDF)
July 2016 Board Report (PDF)

2015-16 Section Chair: Graziella Reis-Trani, White & Case LLP

2014-15 Section Chair: Sheri (Askinazi) Mayerowitz, Shearman & Sterling

2013-14 Section Chair: Sheri Askinazi, Shearman & Sterling

2012-2013 Section Chair: Norma Cirincione, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP

2011-2012 Chair: Karen Amatangelo-Block, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP

2010-2011 Chair: Karen Amatangelo-Block, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP

National Association for Law Placement, Inc.® (NALP®)
1220 19th Street NW, Suite 510, Washington, DC 20036-2405
(202) 835-1001 [email protected]
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