Law Student Professional Development Section

The Law Student Professional Development Section is for NALP members with an interest in or responsibility for educating law students about expectations of professionalism in the legal profession.

Join Section Group on NALPconnect

2024-25 Section Co-Chairs: Greg Miarecki, University of Illinois College of Law and Tiffany Tucker, University of Houston Law Center

June 2024 Board Report (PDF)
November 2024 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference / Bulletin+ Article and Webinar Planning / PDI
Brainstorm with section members to develop ideas and identify speakers for the 2025 Annual Education Conference, the 2024 Professional Development Institute, and topics for NALP Bulletin+ articles. Assist members through the completion of the RFP processes for each. Brainstorm current topics and suggest at least 2 educational webinars to be produced in a timely manner throughout the year.

Employer/Office of Student Affairs Collaboration

Law Student and Lawyer Professional Development Sections Collaboration
Collaborate with the Lawyer Professional Development Section to create and deliver programming on legal career development strategies for law students and lawyers from recruitment through retirement and assess the effectiveness of professional development courses/programs from the perspectives of students and associates. Ensure diversity, equity and inclusion are considered for all programs.

Leadership Work Group
The Leadership Working Group looks to accomplish three things: 1) Create a list of NALP members interested in leadership program and activities; 2) Host three Zoom call during the course of the year, designed to share ideas and resources relating to teaching leadership to law students and lawyers, potentially co-sponsoring these sessions with other sections as needed; and 3) Work to develop at least two sessions focused on leadership training for legal professionals for the Annual Education Conference, as well as a lunchtime working group meeting hosted by the working group at that AEC.

DEI Liaison
The DEI Liaison will identify and address issues related to DEI that are specific to the section and work with the VP of DEI and the DEI Steering Committee to address these issues.

ABA Section 303 Professional Identify Compliance
Continuing the work of the ABA Section 303 Professional Identity Compliance Task Force.

Well-Being Champion
Identify specific well-being issues faced by the section and propose and institute well-being initiatives to address these issues. Participate as a member of the Well-Being Steering Committee.

2023-24 Section Co-Chairs: Elizabeth Carr, Mercer University School of Law and Diana Mercer, Loyola University New Orleans College of Law

November 2023 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference / Bulletin+ Article and Webinar Planning / PDI
Brainstorm with section members to develop ideas and identify speakers for the 2024 Annual Education Conference, the 2024 Professional Development Institute, and topics for NALP Bulletin+ articles. Assist members through the completion of the RFP processes for each. Brainstorm current topics and suggest at least 2 educational webinars to be produced in a timely manner throughout the year.

Law Student and Lawyer Professional Development Sections Collaboration
Collaborate with the Lawyer Professional Development Section to create and deliver programming on legal career development strategies for law students and lawyers from recruitment through retirement and assess the effectiveness of professional development courses/programs from the perspectives of students and associates. Ensure diversity, equity and inclusion are considered for all programs.

Leadership Work Group
The Leadership Working Group looks to accomplish three things:  1) Create a list of NALP members interested in leadership program and activities; 2) Host three Zoom call during the course of the year, designed to share ideas and resources relating to teaching leadership to law students and lawyers, potentially co-sponsoring these sessions with other sections as needed; and 3) Work to develop at least two sessions focused on leadership training for legal professionals for the Annual Education Conference in Boston in 2024, as well as a lunchtime working group meeting hosted by the working group at that AEC.

2022-23 Section Chair: Alexander Piller, University of Illinois College of Law

April 2023 Board Report (PDF)
February 2023 Board Report (PDF)
November 2022 Board Report (PDF)
July 2022 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference / Bulletin+ Article and Webinar Planning / PDI
Brainstorm with section members to develop ideas and identify speakers for the 2023 Annual Education Conference, the 2022 Professional Development Institute, and topics for NALP Bulletin+ articles. Assist members through the completion of the RFP processes for each. Brainstorm current topics and suggest at least 2 educational webinars to be produced in a timely manner throughout the year.

Law Student and Lawyer Professional Development Sections Collaboration
Collaborate with the Lawyer Professional Development Section to create and deliver programming on legal career development strategies for law students and lawyers from recruitment through retirement and assess the effectiveness of professional development courses/programs from the perspectives of students and associates. Ensure diversity, equity and inclusion are considered for all programs.

Professional Development Tool Kit
Continue collaboration with the Small and Solo Career Services Office Section, to finalize and distribute to the membership a student professionalism tool kit.

Member Relations and Membership Development
Reach out to new members on a regular basis to welcome them to the section. Educate new and continuing members about ways to get involved. Consider contacting members from other sections and groups to encourage them to join.

Professional Identity Formation
Collaborate with the Lawyer Professional Development Section and law school faculty to assist in the study of professional identity formation. Continue to support the efforts of the Holloran Center at the University of St. Thomas School of Law, especially in environmental scanning of the PD programs of law schools and law firms.

Knowledge Management and Resource Implementation
Identify top resources relevant to the section and collaborate with the NALP staff to explore location options for the compilation to provide easy access.

DEI Liaison
The DEI Liaison will identify and address issues related to DEI that are specific to the section and work with the VP of DEI and the DEI Standing Committee to address these issues.

Well-Being Champion
Identify specific well-being issues faced by the section and propose and institute well-being initiatives to address these issues. Participate as a member of the Well-Being Steering Committee.

Communications, Social Media & Marketing
Develop at least four (quarterly) social media posts to share with the NALP staff and conduct monthly member outreach on NALP Connect to update the membership about the work of the group.

2021-22 Section Co-Chairs: Freda Coleman-Jackson, Washington & Lee University School of Law and Shar Poormosleh, Southwestern Law School

April 2022 Board Report (PDF)
February 2021 Board Report (PDF)
November 2021 Board Report (PDF)
July 2021 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference / Bulletin+ Article and Webinar Planning / PDI
Brainstorm with section members to develop ideas and identify speakers for the 2022 Annual Education Conference, the 2021 Professional Development Institute, and topics for NALP Bulletin+ articles. Assist members through the completion of the RFP processes for each. Consider the production of webinars throughout the year.

Law Student and Lawyer Professional Development Sections Collaboration
Collaborate with the Lawyer Professional Development Section to create and deliver programming on legal career development strategies for law students and lawyers from recruitment through retirement and assess the effectiveness of professional development courses/programs from the perspectives of students and associates. Ensure diversity, equity and inclusion are considered for all programs. Continue to evaluate best practices in virtual programming.

Professional Development Tool Kit
In collaboration with the Small and Solo Career Services Office Section, create a student professionalism tool kit.

Member Relations and Membership Development
Reach out to new members on a regular basis to welcome them to the section. Educate new and continuing members about ways to get involved. Consider contacting members from other sections and groups to encourage them to join.

Professional Identity Formation
Collaborate with the Lawyer Professional Development Section and law school faculty to assist in the study of professional identity formation. Continue to support the efforts of the Holloran Center at the University of St. Thomas School of Law, especially in environmental scanning of the PD programs of law schools and law firms. After reviewing the data from the Associate Competency Survey, determine next steps for sharing survey results through articles, a webinar, the Annual Education Conference and/or PDI.

Knowledge Management and Resource Implementation
Identify top resources relevant to the section and collaborate with the KM/RI Advisory Group to explore location options for the compilation to provide easy access. Ensure NALPconnect is used for section communications.

2020-21 Section Chair: Jennifer Salyers, William & Mary Law School

April 2021 Board Report (PDF)
February 2021 Board Report (PDF)
November 2020 Board Report (PDF)
July 2020 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference / Bulletin Article and Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with Section membership to develop ideas and identify speakers for the 2021 Annual Education Conference, the 2020 & 2021 Professional Development Institutes, and topics for NALP Bulletin articles. Assist members through the completion of the RFP processes for both. Consider the production of webinars throughout the year.

Law Student and Lawyer Professional Development Sections Collaboration
Collaborate with the Lawyer Professional Development section to develop and deliver programming on legal career development strategies for law students and lawyers from recruitment through retirement and assess the effectiveness of professional development courses/programs from a student's perspective/associate's perspective. Evaluate best practices in virtual programming given physical distancing and the need to provide remote education. Continue the Law Firm PD Program Project by interviewing and writing up information regarding Law Firm PD programs in preparation to publish in a booklet.

Member Relations and Membership Development
Conduct outreach to grow membership in section, including cross-section collaboration, and engage members in section activities. Support Chair and Vice Chairs by connecting members to existing and/or new opportunities for involvement. Promote the benefits of Section engagement and continue Book Group. Reach out to new and/or continuing members on a periodic basis to welcome them to the section and educate them about ways to get involved.

Programming Best Practices
Explore best practices for providing professional development programming to students. Consider creating best practice guides for advisors on providing effective virtual programming in a world of physical distancing. In collaboration with the Small and Solo Career Advisor Section, consider creating a To Go Kit on the basics of launching a professional development curriculum for students. Also consider creating best practices guides for keeping in mind the need to make professional development programming accessible to students with disabilities.

Professional Identity Formation
Collaborate with the Lawyer Professional Development Section and law school faculty to assist in the study of professional identity formation. Continue to support the efforts of the Holloran Center at the University of St. Thomas School of Law, especially in environmental scanning of the PD programs of law schools and law firms.

Knowledge Management
Collaborate with the KM Advisory Group in helping to identify, review, and classify NALP information relevant to Law Student Professional Development to assist in more effective data searches.

2019-20 Section Chair: Elisabeth Beal, University of South Carolina School of Law

April 2020 Board Report (PDF)
February 2020 Board Report (PDF)
July 2019 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Strategic Planning
Collect feedback and prepare a memorandum to the Board of Directors highlighting strategic goals for the Section and its subject matter and/or area of interest.

Annual Education Conference / Bulletin Article and Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with Section membership to develop ideas and identify speakers for the 2020 Annual Education Conference, the 2019 & 2020 Professional Development Institutes, and topics for NALP Bulletin articles. Assist members through the completion of the RFP processes for both. Consider the production of webinars throughout the year.

Law Student and Lawyer Professional Development Sections Collaboration
Collaborate with the Lawyer Professional Development section to develop and deliver programming on legal career development strategies for law students and lawyers from recruitment through retirement and assess the effectiveness of professional development courses/programs from a student's perspective/associate's perspective.

Membership Development
Conduct outreach to grow membership in section, including cross-section collaboration, and engage members in section activities. Support Chair and Vice Chairs by connecting members to existing and/or new opportunities for involvement. Promote the benefits of Section engagement and continue Book Group.

Professional Identity Formation
Collaborate with the Lawyer Professional Development Section and law school faculty to assist in the study of professional identity formation. Support the efforts of the Holloran Center at the University of St. Thomas School of Law, especially in environmental scanning of the PD programs of law schools and law firms.

2018-19 Section Chair: Eric Bono, University of Denver Sturm College of Law

April 2019 Board Report (PDF)
February 2019 Board Report (PDF)
July 2018 Board Report (PDF)
November 2018 Board Report (PDF)

Work Groups:

Annual Education Conference / Bulletin Article and Webinar Planning
Brainstorm with Section membership to develop ideas and identify speakers for the 2019 Annual Education Conference, the 2018 & 2019 Professional Development Institutes, and topics for NALP Bulletin articles. Assist members through the completion of the RFP processes for both. Consider the production of webinars throughout the year.

Law Student and Lawyer Professional Development Sections Collaboration
Collaborate with the Lawyer Professional Development section to develop and deliver programming on legal career development strategies for law students and lawyers from recruitment through retirement and assess the effectiveness of professional development courses/programs from a student's perspective/associate's perspective.

Best Practices Guide
Continue to develop best practices resources for sharing with section members and wider NALP audience via NALPconnect and the NALP website. Update Section shared resources. Explore ways to measure ROI of law student professional development.

Membership Development
Conduct outreach to grow membership in section, including cross-section collaboration, and engage members in section activities. Support Chair and Vice-Chairs by connecting members to existing and/or new opportunities for involvement. Promote the benefits of Section engagement and continue Book Group.

Professional Identity Formation
Collaborate with the Lawyer Professional Development Section and law school faculty to assist in the study of professional identity formation. Support the efforts of the Holloran Center at the University of St. Thomas School of Law, especially in environmental scanning of the PD programs of law schools and law firms.

2017-18 Section Chair: Eric Bono, University of Denver Sturm College of Law

April 2018 Board Report (PDF)
February 2018 Board Report (PDF)
November 2017 Board Report (PDF)
July 2017 Board Report (PDF)

2016-17 Section Chair: Katelynn McBride, University of Notre Dame Law School,

April 2017 Board Report (PDF)
February 2017 Board Report (PDF)
November 2016 Board Report (PDF)
July 2016 Board Report (PDF)
July 2016 Newsletter (PDF)

2015-16 Section Co-Chairs: Susan Fine, The George Washington University Law School and Gerald Slater, Suffolk University Law School

2014-15 Section Chair: Susan Fine, The George Washington University Law School

2013-14 Section Chair: Kristine Bridges, University of Tulsa College of Law

2012-2013 Section Chair: Kristine Bridges, University of Tulsa College of Law

2011-2012 Section Chair: Marina Feehan, University of San Francisco School of Law

2010-2011 Section Chair: Sandee Magliozzi, Santa Clara University School of Law

2009-2010 Section Chair: Josie Mitchell, University of Washington School of Law

2008-09 Section Chair: Tracy Evans, Louisiana State University Law Center

2007-08 Section Chair: Susan Gainen, University of Minnesota

National Association for Law Placement, Inc.® (NALP®)
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