The Report of NALP's 2014-2015 Emerging Legal Jobs Work Group, published in September 2015, is now available as a free PDF download. In addition to sharing the group’s findings from environmental scanning of the market and outreach, this report features more than 100 job descriptions taken from actual job postings that illustrate some of the job settings and job types that are among the emerging jobs for law graduates.
The Emergence of Nontraditional-Track Lawyer Career Paths: A Resource Guide for Law Firms and Law Schools, published in May 2014 as a free, downloadable PDF by the NALP New Career Models Task Force, is a 95-page guide to assist both law firms that want to implement or enhance a nontraditional lawyer track and law schools that want to assist graduates for whom these nontraditional lawyer tracks may open new career paths.
The guide begins with content addressed to employers on recruiting, integration, professional development, and the review process as they relate to lawyers in nontraditional-track positions. Numerous sidebars offer real-world examples of the ways law firms are handling nontraditional tracks. The guide then discusses opportunities and strategies for law school career offices related to these emerging lawyer career paths. An appendix, divided into seven sections, offers examples of nontraditional track models, sample job descriptions and job postings, a mentor fact sheet used by one firm for mentors of nontraditional-track attorneys, sample core competencies, sample evaluation forms, and profiles of 11 attorneys in a variety of nontraditional-track positions.
Other recommended reading in this area includes an August 2015 report entitled Disruptive Innovation: New Models of Legal Practice (PDF) published by WorkLifeLaw of UC Hastings College of the Law and written by Joan C. Williams, Aaron Platt, and Jessica Lee.
Other Resources
Compliance Careers Checklist (PDF)
Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Data Protection Careers Checklist (PDF)