Leadership Position Benefits

NALP values and seeks a diverse leadership.

NALP is an association led by its volunteers, who contribute their extraordinary talent, perspectives, time, and energy to leading the mission and serving the membership of NALP. A common refrain from current and past leaders is that they gained at least as much as they were able to give NALP during their time of leadership.

Two core benefits regularly mentioned by past Officers and Directors are:

The NALP Network — Officers, Directors and other NALP leaders and members become part of a community of leaders who (1) support and energize each other through their diverse experiences, ideas, and industry roles and (2) offer each other candid advice and information on any number of issues, whether it be an unusual student advising issue, a difficult situation with a search firm, information about a particular geographic market, or information about a firm's reputation on-campus.

Knowledge of Industry Trends — NALP leaders gain ready access to information on trends in the broader legal recruiting field and related industries, and the opportunity to be regularly informed on these trends. NALP leaders are provided this information affirmatively and regularly through reports based on outreach to members; committee and section reports; and regular environmental scanning of relevant articles.

Additional benefits of NALP leadership - for both the volunteer and their employer - are described below.

Vice-President for Member Services and Education
Vice-President for Finance
Vice-President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
Nominating Committee
Conference Planning Coordinators
Regional Representatives


Institutional and Individual Recognition:

The President and their employer are highly visible to the entire NALP membership as well as important external audiences. Whenever introduced, the President's NALP and institutional affiliations are mentioned, and the President's NALP business card includes both the NALP and institutional affiliations with contact information. Here are some of the audiences before which the President regularly appears:

  • The NALP membership, including virtually all ABA-accredited law schools, and over 1,000 employer members. In addition to appearing in person before the membership at NALP programs, the President authors a monthly column for the NALP Bulletin+.
  • Senior leaders of allied associations including the American Bar Association Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar, the American Association of Law Schools, and the Law School Admissions Council.
  • Hiring Partners, Deans, lawyers and legal administrators who attend NALP programs such as the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Summit and the Professional Development Institute.
  • Regional and national media outlets including The National Law Journal and American Lawyer.

Professional Growth and Development:

The President has the opportunity to enhance and develop professional skills through formal training and through exposure to a variety of activities and relationships. This includes:

  • Strategic Planning — Develops the annual business plan for the Association based on its strategic plan. Appoints leaders of all Sections, Committees, Work Groups, Teams, and Task Forces to advance the work of the Association. Participates in the Annual Education Conference planning process as well as the planning and execution of other educational programs.
  • Leadership — Serves as chief volunteer officer of the Association. Plans and leads two-day quarterly meetings of the fifteen-member Board of Directors. Works with and provides guidance and direction to NALP volunteers.
  • Formal Training — Attends professional association leadership training conference with Executive Director. Attends any NALP educational program at NALP's expense.
  • Public speaking — Appears regularly before all the audiences noted above.
  • Writing — Authors a regular column for the NALP Bulletin+ and commentary for any affiliated organization as appropriate.
  • Media — With the Executive Director, speaks for the Association to media.

Resources and Support Available to the President

  • The President's employer is entitled to reimbursement of up to $30,000 over the term of office for resources expended and expenses incurred in supporting the President in the duties as President and President-Elect of NALP. The President will have discretion to budget the funds as will best support the duties to NALP. Up to one half of the total amount can be used in the President-Elect year.
  • The President's registration fee to attend NALP's Annual Education Conference is waived in perpetuity.
  • The President may call upon the NALP staff for support in carrying out the duties of the NALP President as needed - from administrative assistance to support in developing the business plan.
  • The President is encouraged to call upon other Officers and Board members for assistance in completing the tasks of the NALP President (e.g., attending external and internal events, writing for publication, identifying and managing volunteers, and special projects).
  • The President is eligible for reimbursable travel expenses associated with NALP Board meetings and any additional NALP-related required travel including one hotel night to attend the Board meeting immediately preceding the Annual Education Conference (excluding any other travel or incidental expenses related to attending the Annual Education Conference and related meetings).
  • The registration fee to attend one of NALP's educational programming events (in addition to the Annual Education Conference registration fee) is also waived for each Officer during each year of the term.
  • The President is eligible for reimbursement of dependent care expenses (up to $1000/year) above any regularly anticipated cost of such expense incurred as a result of Board activities.

Vice-President for Member Services and Education

Institutional and Individual Recognition:

The Vice-President for Member Services and Education and their employer receive significant recognition with the NALP membership. The Vice-President for Member Services and Education interacts with NALP members as the Chair of the Regional Leadership Council and is a speaker at NALP's Annual Education Conference and at other NALP programs.

Professional Growth and Development:

The Vice-President for Member Services and Education has the opportunity to enhance and develop professional skills through exposure to a variety of activities and relationships.  This includes:

  • Leadership — If the President is unavailable, the Vice-President for Member Services and Education takes on the duties of the President. The Vice-President for Member Services and Education also serves as a member of the Executive Committee of the NALP Board.
  • Planning — Participates in the Annual Education Conference planning process as well as other educational program planning.
  • Writing — Has opportunities to write for the NALP Bulletin+ and in publications of allied organizations.
  • Public Speaking — Has opportunities to develop public speaking skills through presentations within NALP, the legal education community, and the broader legal community.

Resources and Support Available to the Vice-President for Member Services and Education

  • The Vice-President for Member Services and Education's employer is entitled to reimbursement of up to $10,000 over the term of office for resources expended and expenses incurred in supporting the duties as a Vice-President of NALP. The Vice-President for Member Services and Education will have discretion to budget the funds as will best support the duties to NALP.  Up to one half of the total amount can be used in the first year of the term.
  • The Vice-President for Member Services and Education may call upon the NALP staff for support in carrying out the duties of the NALP Vice-President for Member Services and Education.
  • The Vice-President for Member Services and Education is eligible for reimbursable travel expenses associated with NALP Board meetings and any additional NALP-related required travel including one hotel night to attend the Board meeting immediately preceding the Annual Education Conference (excluding any other travel or incidental expenses related to attending the Annual Education Conference and related meetings).
  • The registration fee to attend the Annual Education Conference will be waived during the Officer's two year term on the Board. 
  • The registration fee to attend one of NALP's educational programming events (in addition to the Annual Education Conference registration fee) is also waived for each Officer during each year of the term.
  • The Vice-President for Member Services and Education is eligible for reimbursement of dependent care expenses (up to $1000/year) above any regularly anticipated cost of such expense incurred as a result of Board activities.

Vice-President for Finance

Professional Growth and Development:

The Vice-President for Finance has the opportunity to enhance and develop professional skills through exposure to a variety of activities and relationships. This includes:

  • Finance — Oversees the financial operations of the association, including reviewing and developing strategies to maximize the Association's financial health; and developing the association's $4-5 million annual budget.
  • Leadership — Serves as a member of the Executive Committee of NALP's Board, Chair of the Finance Committee and Chair of the Investment Subcommittee.
  • Writing — Authors for the NALP Bulletin+ and in publications of allied organizations.
  • Public Speaking — Has opportunities to develop public speaking skills through presentations within NALP, the legal education community, and the broader legal community.

Resources and Support Available to the Vice-President for Finance

  • The Vice-President for Finance's employer is entitled to reimbursement of up to $10,000 over the term of office for resources expended and expenses incurred in supporting the duties as a Vice-President of NALP. The Vice-President for Finance will have discretion to budget the funds as will best support the duties to NALP. Up to one half of the total amount can be used in the first year of the term.
  • The Vice-President for Finance may call upon the NALP staff for support in carrying out their duties. In particular the Vice-President for Finance may call upon the Executive Director, NALP's financial manager, and NALP's outside investment advisor.
  • The Vice-President for Finance is eligible for reimbursable travel expenses associated with NALP Board meetings and any additional NALP-related required travel including one hotel night to attend the Board meeting immediately preceding the Annual Education Conference (excluding any other travel or incidental expenses related to attending the Annual Education Conference and related meetings).
  • The registration fee to attend the Annual Education Conference will be waived during the Officer's two year term on the Board. 
  • The registration fee to attend one of NALP's educational programming events (in addition to the Annual Education Conference registration fee) is also waived for each Officer during each year of the term.
  • The Vice-President for Finance is eligible for reimbursement of dependent care expenses (up to $1000/year) above any regularly anticipated cost of such expense incurred as a result of Board activities.
  • The Vice-President for Finance is offered the option of attending a financial training program for financial officers of non-profit boards.

Vice-President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Individual and Institutional Recognition:

The Vice-President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion and their employer receive significant recognition with the NALP membership. The Vice-President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion interacts with NALP members in a variety of settings and may be a speaker at NALP programs. The Vice-President also serves as the association’s liaison to other organizations focused on and/or engaged in diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts within the legal industry, providing significant interaction with other leaders in the diversity, equity & inclusion space.

Professional Growth and Development:

The Vice-President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion has the opportunity to enhance and develop professional skills through exposure to a variety of activities and relationships. The Vice-President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion develops strong professional relationships with a wide variety of NALP leaders, including educational programming teams, the Nominating Committee, fellow Board members, and the leaders of the Sections and Committees to which the Vice-President serves as the Board liaison, including the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Section. Some of the skills that will be used and developed include:

  • Leadership —The Vice-President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion serves as a member of the Executive Committee of the NALP Board, and takes a leadership role in ensuring that the association and Board of Directors consider, develop, promote, and sustain diversity, equity, and inclusion in their policies, procedures, communications, programs, leadership development, and initiatives.
  • Writing — Has opportunities to write for the NALP Bulletin+ and in publications of allied organizations.
  • Public Speaking — Has opportunities to develop public speaking skills through presentations within NALP, the legal education community, and the broader legal community.

Resources and Support Available to the Vice-President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

  • The Vice-President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion's employer is entitled to reimbursement of up to $10,000 over the term of office for resources expended and expenses incurred in supporting the duties as a Vice-President of NALP. The Vice-President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion will have discretion to budget the funds as will best support the duties to NALP. No more than one half of the total amount can be used in the first year of the term.
  • The Vice-President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion may call upon the NALP staff for support in carrying out their duties.
  • The Vice-President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is eligible for reimbursable travel expenses associated with NALP Board meetings and any additional NALP-related required travel including one hotel night to attend the Board meeting immediately preceding the Annual Education Conference (excluding any other travel or incidental expenses related to attending the Annual Education Conference and related meetings).
  • The registration fee to attend the Annual Education Conference will be waived during the Officer's two year term on the Board. 
  • The registration fee to attend one of NALP's educational programming events (in addition to the Annual Education Conference registration fee) is also waived for each Officer during each year of the term.
  • The Vice-President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is eligible for reimbursement of dependent care expenses (up to $1000/year) above any regularly anticipated cost of such expense incurred as a result of Board activities.
  • The Vice-President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is offered the option of attending a diversity, equity, and inclusion training program for diversity, equity, and inclusion professionals in consultation with the President and within reasonable budgetary consideration.


Individual and Institutional Recognition:

Each Director develops strong professional relationships with a wide variety of NALP members, including fellow Board members, those involved in Sections and Committees, and those whom the Director reaches through regular outreach to the general membership. Directors have been able to develop deep and mutually beneficial relationships with peers on the school or employer side. For example, Directors employed by firms have been invited to speak at law schools, increasing their firm's name recognition and positive presence at the law school. Directors employed by law schools have had employers decide to interview particular students or recruit on-campus as a result of the relationships developed through NALP leadership.

Professional Development and Growth

Each Director:

  • Gains in-depth exposure to the governance and management of a professional association.
  • Participates in a formal two-day training program for board members.
  • Has opportunities to write for the NALP Bulletin+ and in publications of allied organizations.
  • Has opportunities to develop public speaking skills through presentations within NALP, the legal education community, and the broader legal community.
  • Has opportunities to work with and provide guidance and direction to NALP Sections, Committees, Task Forces, Advisory Groups, Teams, and Working Groups.

Resources and Support Available to Directors:

  • Board members are eligible for reimbursable travel expenses associated with NALP Board meetings and any additional NALP-related required travel including one hotel night to attend the Board meeting immediately preceding the Annual Education Conference (excluding any other travel or incidental expenses related to attending the Annual Education Conference and related meetings).
  • The registration fee to attend the Annual Education Conference will be waived during the Board member's two year term on the Board. 
  • The registration fee to attend one of NALP's educational programming events (in addition to the Annual Education Conference registration fee) is also waived for each Director during each year of the term.
  • Directors are eligible for reimbursement of dependent care expenses (up to $1000/year) above any regularly anticipated cost of such expense incurred as a result of Board activities.

Nominating Committee Members:

  • Ensure the future success of the organization by encouraging member participation in the nomination process, slating the Officers and Directors, and overseeing the election process.
  • Have significant interaction with members in their region and nationally.
  • Attend an intensive orientation program, introducing them to the nomination process.
  • Attend the annual slating meeting and engage in a collaborative group deliberation process culminating in the selection of the Board members.
  • Participate in the Regional Business Meetings during the Annual Education Conference by introducing the winners of the regional election.

Conference Planning Coordinators:

Conference Planning Coordinators take primary responsibility for planning and executing the organization's largest education event:
  • Conduct outreach to and have significant interaction with members in their region to gather input for the Annual Education Conference planning meeting.
  • Review proposals submitted and select programs for the Annual Education Conference.
  • Attend the Annual Education Conference planning meeting (September 17-19, 2025 - Hollywood, FL).
  • Brainstorm and develop original programming for the Annual Education Conference.
  • Serve as primary contacts for conference speakers and as program shepherds during the conference.
  • Have their registration fee waived for the Annual Education Conference during their term of office (April 14-17, 2026 - Hollywood, FL).
  • Have the opportunity to write brief articles for the Bulletin+ publicizing the Annual Education Conference.

Regional Representatives:

Regional Representatives have the opportunity to develop their professional skills and to encourage involvement in NALP through member outreach:

  • Serve as members of the Regional Leadership Council, with its opportunities to collaborate with colleagues from around the country to identify and serve member needs.
  • Become experts in regional trends, markets, and issues through regular interaction with members throughout their region.
  • Gain a deeper understanding of the organization’s structure, services, and mission, initially by attending an orientation/training session preceding the Annual Education Conference (on Monday April 7, 2025 from 1:00 - 5:00 pm and Tuesday, April 8, 2025 from 8:00 -11:30 am with a dinner on Monday evening, April 7, 2025) led by Officers, Directors, and senior staff, and also through ongoing work with the Directors to ensure the Board is aware of regional concerns and in turn, that Board actions are conveyed to the region.
  • Develop leadership skills by interacting with city group and consortia within the region and reaching out to underserved areas within the region.
  • Enhance public speaking skills in presiding at regional conference calls and video meetings, and taking advantage of other opportunities to share NALP information and data.
  • Conduct outreach to new NALP members in the region; build new and strengthen existing professional relationships with a broad spectrum of colleagues in the region.
  • Enhance writing skills through opportunities to write articles for the NALP Bulletin+ and announcements for NALPNow! and NALPconnect.
National Association for Law Placement, Inc.® (NALP®)
1220 19th Street NW, Suite 510, Washington, DC 20036-2405
(202) 835-1001 [email protected]
© Copyright 2025 NALP


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