Leadership Opportunities - President


NALP’s President serves as the chief volunteer and the leader of the Board of Directors of the organization. The position of President involves a three year commitment. During the first year the person serves as President-Elect; during the second year as President; and during the third year as Immediate Past President. The President works in close partnership with the Executive Director, the Immediate Past President, the President-Elect, the Board of Directors, and the NALP staff to advance the mission, vision, and values of the organization. Candidates for President make a commitment to the association to serve as described below:

YEAR 1: President-Elect (2025-2026)


  • With the President, Vice-President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Vice-President for Member Services and Education, and Vice-President for Finance, serves as an officer of the association.
  • In the event that the President is unable to fulfill their responsibilities, assumes the responsibilities of the President during any remaining months of the President-Elect year.


  • Develops the appropriate business and financial plans for the association with the support of the Executive Director, President, and Immediate Past President.  Identifies and assembles timely task forces as necessary for their presidential year.
  • Participates as an active member of special task forces or other committees as requested by the President.
  • Recruits volunteers for leadership positions, appoints liaisons, chairs and vice-chairs for all Sections, Committees, Groups, Teams and Task Forces during their presidential year, with the support of the Vice-President for Member Services and Education and the Vice-President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, ensuring balance based on school and employer members, diversity, and national and regional interests.
  • Prepares Section, Committee, Group, Team, and Task Force chairs for meetings at the Annual Education Conference and facilitates their orientation.

Fiscal and Administrative

  • Consults with the officers regarding the proposed annual budget.
  • Serves on the Investment Subcommittee.

Communications and Public Relations

  • Has opportunities to represent NALP before internal and external audiences at conferences and meetings, and in published articles with the approval of the President.

YEAR 2: President (2026-2027)

Governance and Planning

  • With the Vice-Presidents and President-Elect serves as an officer of the association.
  • Together with other officers, plans and coordinates orientation activities for the incoming Board of Directors.
  • Directs and coordinates activities of the Board of Directors; inspires participation and team collaboration.
  • Plans agendas for and conducts Board of Directors' meetings and the business meetings of the association.
  • Implements short- and long-range plans for the association.
  • Initiates policy review and revision.

Volunteer Leadership and Conferences

  • Selects and appoints members to fill chair and vice-chair vacancies on Sections, Committees, Groups, and Task Forces, and positions as liaison to other organizations with the support of the Vice-President for Member Services and Education and the Vice-President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
  • Supervises and provides direction for Sections, Committees, Groups, Teams, and Task Forces.
  • Convenes and, with the Vice-President for Member Services and Education, serves on the Annual Education Conference Planning Committee.

Fiscal and Administrative

  • Supervises and provides direction for the Executive Director and the Administrative Office.
  • With the Executive Director, participates actively in making business decisions and builds and maintains business relationships with vendors and joint venture partners.
  • Consults with the Officers in the preparation of the annual budget, and monitors the budget process.

Communications and Public Relations

  • Speaks as a representative of NALP at conferences, bar associations, and other professional meetings.
  • Represents NALP and serves, with the Executive Director, as liaison to the Association of American Law Schools, the Law School Admissions Council, and the ABA Section on Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar.  Serves as primary contact for NALP liaisons to other affiliate organizations.
  • Authors a regular column for the NALP Bulletin+ and articles for other newsletters.
  • Serves, with the Executive Director, as spokesperson for NALP for media inquiries.

Year 3: Immediate Past President (2027-2028)

Serves as an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Board of Directors.

  • Serves as Board liaison to the NALP Nominating Committee.
  • Performs special projects as requested by the President and the Board of Directors.
  • Represents NALP to internal and external audiences as requested by the President, including writing articles and speaking at conferences and meetings.

Time Commitment — President-Elect/President/Immediate Past President

In addition to the time required to fulfill the responsibilities described above:

  • Attends all meetings of the Board of Directors during their term of office (Board meetings are generally held in May, July, November, February, and immediately prior to the Annual Education Conference).  Currently scheduled Board meetings during this term: April 7-8, 2025 (Cleveland, OH); May 19-22, 2025 (Durham, NC); July 17-20, 2025 (Minneapolis, MN); November 5-7, 2025 (Santa Fe, NM); February 18-21, 2026 (San Juan, PR); April 13-14 2026, (Hollywood, FL); April 12-13, 2027 (Seattle, WA); and April 24-25, 2028 (Las Vegas, NV).  Note that the practicality of in-person meetings will depend on the then-current health and safety guidelines.
  • Attends the Annual Education Conference immediately prior to the term of office and the three Conferences during the terms of office as President-Elect, President, and Immediate Past President: April 8-11, 2025 (Cleveland, OH), April 14-19, 2026 (Hollywood, FL), and April 13-16, 2027 (Seattle, WA), and  April 25-28, 2028 (Las Vegas, NV).
  • Attends the Annual Education Conference Planning Committee meeting during the Presidential year.
  • Travel nights (nights away on NALP business): President-Elect year: approximately 21 required nights and their assigned share of  approximately 18-20 recommended or optional nights for attending external events; President year: approximately 25 required nights and their selected share of approximately 30-32 recommended or optional nights for attending external events; Immediate Past President year: approximately 20 required nights.
  • The President-Elect/President position typically requires the most significant time commitment between November of the President-Elect year and July of the President year.

Resources and Support Available to the President

The President’s employer is entitled to reimbursement of up to $30,000 over the term of office for resources expended and expenses incurred in supporting the President in the duties as President and President-Elect of NALP. The President will have discretion to budget the funds as will best support the duties to NALP. No more than one half of the total amount can be used in the President-Elect year.

  • The President’s registration fee to attend NALP’s Annual Education Conference is waived in perpetuity.
  • The NALP staff is available to the President for support in carrying out the duties of that office as needed - from administrative assistance to support in developing the business plan.
  • The President should call upon other officers and Board members for assistance with activities and responsibilities (as appropriate) of the office (e.g., attending external and internal events, writing for publication, identifying and managing volunteers, and special projects).
  • The President is eligible for reimbursable travel expenses associated with NALP Board meetings and any additional NALP-related required travel including one hotel night to attend the Board meeting immediately preceding the Annual Education Conference (excluding any other travel or incidental expenses related to attending the Annual Education Conference and related meetings).
  • The President is eligible for reimbursable dependent care expenses (up to $1,000 per year) above regularly anticipated cost of such expenses incurred as a result of Board activities.
  • The President has the opportunity to attend (at NALP's expense) an association leadership training conference with the Executive Director.

View all position descriptions as a PDF here.

National Association for Law Placement, Inc.® (NALP®)
1220 19th Street NW, Suite 510, Washington, DC 20036-2405
(202) 835-1001 [email protected]
© Copyright 2025 NALP


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