Leadership Opportunities - Regional Representatives


Regional Representatives serve as regional ambassadors gathering and disseminating information, spearheading regional communications, welcoming new members, and serving as a resource to NALP members.  The Regional Representative position is a popular option for members seeking initial leadership experiences within NALP as it provides excellent preparation for other leadership roles.

General Regions elect two Regional Representatives, one representing law school members and one representing employer members, each to serve two-year terms as members of the Regional Leadership Council. The terms are staggered so that each General region has a total of four Regional Representatives at any time.  Each Limited Region (Canada) elects one Regional Representative each year to serve a two-year term.  The Regional Leadership Council will have 22 members.

Members are eligible to run for the Regional Representative position provided they have not served a full term on the Regional Leadership Council at any time in the three years prior to the election.

Each Regional Representative is a member of the Regional Leadership Council (“RLC”) and has the following job responsibilities:

  • Attends in person the Annual Education Conference the year they are elected. 
  • Attends an orientation/training session that will be held immediately prior to the Annual Education Conference on Monday April 7, 2025 from 1:00 - 5:00 pm and Tuesday, April 8, 2025 from 8:00 -11:30 am with a dinner on Monday evening, April 7, 2025. Each Regional Representative should also use best efforts to attend the Annual Conference that takes place between the first and second years of their term. Note that the practicality of in-person meetings will depend on then current health and safety guidelines.
  • Works in collaboration with the regional team to help plan any regional events during the Annual Education Conference during term of office.
  • Participates in all meetings (usually via Zoom) of the RLC.
  • Interacts with and provides reports to the Board of Directors, President, Vice-President for Member Services and Education, and staff as appropriate on news, activities and concerns from the region.
  • Serves as an ambassador for NALP in reaching out and gathering information from members in the region regarding concerns, trends, and interests, and to share information with members in the region from NALP and the Board including information relating to surveys, upcoming conferences and events, and topical issues.  This includes planning, hosting, and participating in regional outreach and feedback calls. 
  • Develops knowledge on the region and shares information and opportunities with fellow NALP members including the Board and staff.  Engages in environmental scanning (through conference calls or individual calls) when requested to gather member input and identify regional issues.
  • Welcomes and follows-up with new members to NALP (through calls and emails).
  • Within the region, serves as liaison and resource to city groups and law school consortia, provides outreach to underserved cities/localities and, where possible and appropriate, attends meetings and presents NALP information and data (e.g., end of season report). 
  • Identifies local groups, events, organizations etc., that may be resources for NALP members; understands and uses NALP resources (website, NALPConnect, directories, newsletters, research) appropriately. 
  • Identifies volunteers from within the region for projects and committees, as well as potential volunteer projects within the region.
  • For the purpose of honoring their existing service commitments, Regional Representatives in two year terms should not, under ordinary circumstances, accept a nomination for another elected or slated position in the first year of their term, but may do so in their second year.
  • Each Regional Representative has access to a pool of funds to help offset expenses for travel to a regional team meeting and/or a city group/consortium meeting in their region.

The time commitment for Regional Representatives is spread throughout the year and ranges from 5-10 hours/month.  Regional Representatives plan, conduct, and participate in monthly Regional Leadership Council meetings, convene quarterly feedback calls with Board members, and conduct member outreach through welcome calls, city group outreach, and environmental scanning throughout the year.

View all position descriptions as a PDF here.

National Association for Law Placement, Inc.® (NALP®)
1220 19th Street NW, Suite 510, Washington, DC 20036-2405
(202) 835-1001 [email protected]
© Copyright 2025 NALP


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